- The Phase of Aesthetic Islam
- Married, but Not…
- On Fasting and Pregnancy
- The Vital Truth
- Big Perennialism
- Repackaging Pantheism
- What Makes A Medical Practice “Islamic”?
- Homeopathy in the Modern World
- The Contrarian “Expert”
- What Counts As Evidence?
- A Wird to Recite During a Pandemic
- Political Scholars and the Loss of Moral Leadership for Muslims
- Practical Theology: Navigating New Worldviews
- When Scientism Takes Over Tradition
- On Love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- The Struggles of Muslim Converts
- Feminism and Use of the Secular to Save Tradition
- Got Tongue?
- The Halal Bubble and the Sunnah Imperative to Go Vegan
- Technology: The New Polytheism?
- ISIS & the Academic Veil for Islamophobia
- Merry Christmas: The Fatwa or the Fitra?
- Radicalism is a Political Problem, Not an Islamic One
- What Was Rumi Talking About?
- It’s Hard Out Here for a Saudi
- Are You One of those Sufis?
- On Mockery
- Muslim Scholars and Politics
- Imprisoned Thinking
- To Sharia or Not to Sharia: The Question of Islamopolitics
- Where is the Mercy?
- Why Are Muslims So Serious About Their Prophet?