Category Archives: Podcast

Ep 7. On Mockery

Our modern culture has embraced mockery of anything and everything to the extent that nothing is off-limits as the idea of the Sacred has by and large been discarded. The elders, parents, teachers, religion, prophets, and even God Himself have all become regulars on comedy sketches on television and many comedy acts. Mockery has become […]

Ep 6. Islam, Muslims, and Delusions of Utopia

I recently had an opportunity to speak to a group of private sponsors of Syrian refugees coming to Canada. This wonderful group of people volunteered their time and whatever resources they could gather to help, in the small way that they could, innocent families struck by a brutal war. They were eager to learn about […]

Ep 4. Desacralizing Arabic & Alienating Non-Arabs

Arabic is a beautiful language. The nature of its ways of expression, which carry many multitudes of depths of meaning that can be derived from each word, makes one only grow in love and appreciation of it once they learn it. This is best demonstrated in pre-Islamic poetry and ultimately in the Qur’an where Arabic […]

Ep 3. Muslim Scholars and Politics

“They said, ‘Shu’ayb, does your prayer tell you that we should abandon what our forefathers worshipped and refrain from doing whatever we please with our own property? Indeed you are a tolerant and sensible man.’ He answered, ‘My people, can you not see? What if I am acting on clear evidence from my Lord? He […]

Ep 2. Truth: Between Conviction & Delusion

In his autobiography Deliverance from Error (Al-Munqidh Min Adh-Dhalal), Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazālī explains how he dealt with his skepticism on the path to attaining certainty regarding what beliefs he adopted. He mastered the tenets of the major intellectual movements of his time and authored books in each, garnering the praise of figures within these movements […]

Ep 1. Philosophy: It’s Important!

Philosophy matters. Yet, we find some people steeped in self-assured ideologies, whether it is scientism or zealous religion, continuing to declare that philosophy is a waste of time. Both sides cry out for practicality, and claim philosophy has no real-life applicability. Hence, they declare it a form of idle mental exercise that leads to obfuscation […]