The Beloved ﷺ told us that a time will come when confusion will reign supreme and believers will be bewildered. It seems we can’t go a week without Muslims online jumping into another moshpit that adds to the chaos and further obscures matters rather than bringing any clarity or benefit to the actions of the limbs or the heart.
This is a recording of a talk I gave on Saturday, October 26, 2019, in Sydney, Australia at Mīzān Avenue about the Fourth Pillar upon which the religion of Islam rests as per the Hadith of Jibreel peace be upon him – the Signs of the Hour.
This was not a storytelling talk. Knowledge and action in Islam are intimately linked, and knowledge of the Signs of the Hour implies an imperative to
act, which means there’s a whole aspect of fiqh most of us haven’t been exposed to. I hope to be a means of elucidating this area so that it serves as an antidote in these confusing times where a person wakes up a believer and becomes a disbeliever in the evening, or ends his day as a believer and wakes up a disbeliever.
May Allah protect us all from such tribulations.