With the Heart in Mind

Shaykh Mikaeel Ahmed Smith (Michael V Smith) embraced Islam at the age of 18 after reading the Qur’an and the Autobiography of Malcolm X. Soon after, he enrolled at Dar ul-Uloom al-Madania in Buffalo, NY, where he completed his memorization of the Qur’an. He continued his Islamic studies in Jami’ a Abu Noor in Damascus, Syria. In 2012, he completed his hadith studies of the Sahih Sitta (six most authentic collections of Prophetic traditions) and Qur’anic Tafseer (commentary). He earned his Alimiyyah Degree from Dar ul-Uloom Canada in Chatham, Ontario. Currently, Shaykh Mikaeel teaches Islamic law, theology and principles of hadith full time at Qalam Seminary in Dallas, Texas.
