Category Archives: Podcast

The Illusion of Controlling Destiny

This episode is a sneak peak into our weekly live sessions at Al-Andalus Academy’s Halaqa series where we’re currently engaging in the study of Sidi ibn ‘Atā-illah’s Kitab at-Tanwīr (The Book of Illumination). In this session, wel delve into three reasons that should compel us to dropping the measure alongside Allah ﷻ. These revolve around the […]

On Sleep

Humans spend one third of their lives sleeping. It’s one of the most conserved behaviours in nature, which speaks to a crucial role it plays in survival. Yet, much of the popular discussion on sleep follows a reductive approach that focuses on its import in the physical realm whilst completely ignoring the metaphysical realities behind […]

Ep 93. Prophetic Medicine: What It Is & What It’s Not

In an age consumed by obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer, many people have shifted towards what is known as “Prophetic Medicine” as an alternative to conventional medicine. But what does Prophetic Medicine mean and does it even exist? I was invited on the Ahmed Khan Podcast recently to discuss the origins of Prophetic […]

Ep 89. Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)

Alhamdulillah, we’re now moving into our fifth year at Al-Andalus Book Club and with that comes our fifth booklist. My tongue is incapable of expressing how grateful I am for this blessing; the conversations we’ve had and the ideas we’ve been able to develop over the years with each book we read. 2020 was a […]

Ep 88. Death and What Matters in Life

Death is the transition from this ephemeral world to the eternal abode. It’s an inevitable part of this life. Yet, many of us live as if we’re going to be here forever and get stunned when this calamity befalls us. Topics addressed in this episode include the response to death, the proper perspective this world […]

Ep 87. Faith for the Occasion: Are We Putting Islam in a Box?

I was invited on November 14th, 2020 by Northwestern University’s MSA to give a talk to their cohort. Given the current travel restrictions, we had to do it over Zoom. Topics addressed in this talk include Cartesian dualism contrasted with Islamic dualism, building a stronger connection with Allah, and spiritual cultivation through everyday tasks and […]

Ep 86. Imanophobia and the Adoption of Aesthetic Sensibility by Muslims

Confusion Painting by Hans Magden As Muslims have become increasingly integrated into social justice movements and the entertainment industry, many prominent figures are taking actions that align with the dominant ideology in these spheres. Despite their apparent unrelatedness, a common theme runs through Muslim hijabi Instagram influencers taking off their hijabs, comedians mocking Islamic practices […]

Ep 85. Isra & Mi’raj | The Miraculous Night Journey

 This is a recording of a special online event coinciding with this month’s Mizan Monthly held on March 21, 2020/ Rajab 27, 1441. The night of Isra and Miraj was the incredible journey of the Prophet ﷺ from Makkah to Jerusalem, followed by the Ascension to the Heavens. Relive the story of this epic […]

Ep 84. Coronavirus and Mosques

We live in perilous times and the current coronavirus has many confused and in panic. Mainstream news and social media have added more to the bewilderment and many feel the current lockdowns, cancellations of events, and suspensions of Jumua prayers are overreactions. Topics discussed in this episode include: What are coronavirus and COVID-19? Where did […]

Ep 83. Islamic Education, Scholarship, and Al-Andalus Academy Launch

What is the purpose of education and how does Islamic education differ from modern forms of it? What makes a scholar in Islam? Topics discussed in this episode include the differences between the aims of education from a traditional perspective vs that of a modern perspective, what makes a person of knowledge in the Quran, […]

Ep 82. Antidote (Part 4 of 4) | Refinement of the Souls

This is a recording of the third and final session of an intensive held at Mīzan Avenue in Sydney, Australia on October 27th, 2019 covering Ibn ‘Atā’illah’s as-Sakandarī’s Taj al-‘Arūs al-Hawī li-Tahthīb an-Nufūs or Refinement of Souls. This is a concise manual consisting of spiritual instructions, aphorisms and private discourses with the Divine. The author […]

Ep 81. Antidote (Part 3 of 4) | Refinement of the Souls

This is a recording of the second session of an intensive held at Mīzan Avenue in Sydney, Australia on October 27th, 2019 covering Ibn ‘Atā’illah’s as-Sakandarī’s Taj al-‘Arūs al-Hawī li-Tahthīb an-Nufūs or Refinement of Souls. This is a concise manual consisting of spiritual instructions, aphorisms and private discourses with the Divine. The author has included […]

Ep 80. Antidote (Part 2 of 4) | Refinement of the Souls

This is a recording of the first session of an intensive held at Mīzan Avenue in Sydney, Australia on October 27th, 2019 covering Ibn ‘Atā’illah’s as-Sakandarī’s Taj al-‘Arūs al-Hawī li-Tahthīb an-Nufūs or Refinement of Souls. This is a concise manual consisting of spiritual instructions, aphorisms and private discourses with the Divine. The author has included […]

Ep 79. Antidote (Part 1 of 4) | Fiqh of the Signs of the Hour

The Beloved ﷺ told us that a time will come when confusion will reign supreme and believers will be bewildered. It seems we can’t go a week without Muslims online jumping into another moshpit that adds to the chaos and further obscures matters rather than bringing any clarity or benefit to the actions of the […]

Ep 78. Scholars, Rulers, and Your Greatest Enemy

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf is considered by a number of official entities to be the most influential Muslim leader in the West. Given his public status, he has attracted much attention, some of which has of late been negative given the political engagements he has been involved in. Due to an increasing level of attacks targetting […]

Ep 77. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 6 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 75. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 5 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 76. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 5 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 75. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 4 of 6 – Ruling on Music

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 74. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 3 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 73. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 2 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 72. Prohibitions of the Tongue (محارم اللسان) Part 1 of 6

A heavy emphasis is placed in Islam on the dangers of the tongue. The Beloved ﷺ warned against heedlessness over speech and guaranteed Paradise to the one who is watchful over their words, which indicates the difficulty of attaining that level of consciousness. Indeed, the most difficult fast during Ramadan is not that of the stomach, […]

Ep 70. Listener Interactions (Part 5): Creation of Adam and Why Islam is the Truth

Can we believe Adam peace be upon him refers to the first cell and Eve peace be upon her refers to the amniotic division? Can the subjective experience of spiritual elation serve as proof for claims of truth in religion? How do we raise children to love prayer when we sometimes have to discipline them […]

Ep 69. I Was Blessed With Her Love

Lady Khadijah RA was the first and while alive the only wife of the Beloved ﷺ. Their relationship was of immense significance and the love the Beloved ﷺ had for her did not diminish with her passing. Lady Aisha RA said she was never jealous of any of the wives of the Beloved ﷺ as she was of […]

The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) | Part 3 of 3

The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) is a poem composed by the great Tunisian scholar Yusuf ibn Muhammad at-Tawozari at-Tilimsanī (d. 1119 AD/513 AH). He was known for his mastery of the various Islamic sciences but his erudition and rhetorical abilities became his defining feature to the degree that he was known as ibn an-Nahawi (Son of the […]