Tag Archives: Prophet Muhammad

Ep 85. Isra & Mi’raj | The Miraculous Night Journey

 This is a recording of a special online event coinciding with this month’s Mizan Monthly held on March 21, 2020/ Rajab 27, 1441. The night of Isra and Miraj was the incredible journey of the Prophet ﷺ from Makkah to Jerusalem, followed by the Ascension to the Heavens. Relive the story of this epic […]

The Sunnah: The Only Path to God

A feature of the modern approach to Islam is to historicize rulings and limit their applications to the imagined context in which they arose. This goes beyond recognition of the particularities surrounding a ruling to the degree that allows one to extract the principles upon which it stands in order to properly apply it today […]

On Love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

A version of this article originally appeared in Healing Hearts يا خير من دفنت في الترب أعظمه *** فطاب من طيبهن القاع والأكم نفسي الفداء لقبر أنت ساكنه *** فيه العفاف وفيه الجود والكرم أنت الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته *** عند الصراط إذا ما زلت القدم لولاك ما خلقت شمس ولا قمر *** ولا سماء […]

Ep 30. What is Power For?

Ever since the rise of revolutionary protests in the Middle East that were initially dubbed the “Arab Spring” before devolving into more of a long and stormy winter, Muslims have increasingly been making their presence established in the realm of political activism and social justice movements. Islamism and Sharia are stable hot topics of discussion […]

Ep 14. Would the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Be Vegan Today?

Episode Transcript This is episode 14 of Mohamed Ghilan’s podcast with yours truly as your host. I really do appreciate you listening and if you haven’t subscribed yet I invite you to do so. It really does go along way in helping improve the ranking of this podcast. Also, I started turning my attention to […]

Why Are Muslims So Serious About Their Prophet?

One of the most bewildering things for non-Muslims, especially in the West, is the utter less than zero tolerance of Muslims for anything that could be deemed as disrespectful towards the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. What makes it more puzzling is the generally somber reaction a non-Muslim would receive if they made fun of a Muslim’s […]