Tag Archives: Psychology

Ep 43. Created in a State of Weakness

The derivation and application of Islamic law rely primarily on a number of juristic principles that attempt to reflect what is understood to be divine will. That is why the Arabic term to describe it, Sharia, literally means “a way to the source”. Though some might find it arbitrary and unyielding in some aspects, there […]

Ep 37. Human Nature and the Fitra

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is reported to have said, “Every newborn is born upon the Fitra, then their parents will turn them into a Jew, a Christian, or a Magian.” Topics addressed in this episode include the questions: What is the Fitra, and how does it relate to instinct and to human nature? Is morality innate or acquired? […]

Soul Machine: The Invention of the Modern Mind

What constitutes the soul? What about the spirit? Are they one in the same? And what’s the deal with the mind? Where does the brain come in with all of this? How does it all figure in with regards to mental illness, or is it spiritual illness? Are they two different things? And are these […]

The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is Not a Disease

The book is an argument against the notion that addiction should be classified under the same category as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and dementia. If you consider the history of how and why addiction became a disease as opposed to being classified as anything else, combined with the neuroscience of how addiction impacts the brain vs. […]

Donna’s Secret Identity

The following is an excerpt from The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is not a Disease by Marc Lewis, PhD. The book is an argument against the notion that addiction should be classified under the same category as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and dementia. If you consider the history of how and why addiction became a disease as […]

Imprisoned Thinking

“The most dangerous prison is the one where you can’t see the bars.” Dr. Tariq Ramadan These are confusing times. A short reflection on what one stands for and what they believe in is bound to generate a self-induced state of anxiety. This is especially the case for many of those raised in traditional households […]