Tag Archives: Technology

Science in the Golden Age of Islam

Note: A version of this vignette originally appeared as a topic of discussion in Andalus Book Club. Those born into Muslim families who had some connection to the tradition have been told from a young age stories about our past glories. Even today, whenever the subject of science and religion comes up, many are very quick […]

Technology: The New Polytheism?

This article originally appeared in ImanWire One of the most profound experiences I have ever had was participating in the Deen Intensive’s Rihla program that took place in Spain in the summer of 2010. I had the blessing of attending the Rihla for two more years after that in Turkey. But the impact of my time in […]

Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology

I have to say I’m not quite surprised that the average rating of this book on Goodreads was below 4 stars. Neil Postman launches a precise and exposing assault on the foundations that make up the modern mind. I’ve always had an intuitive sense that the impact of modern technological advancements was not restricted to […]