Tag Archives: Tribulation

The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) | Part 1 of 3

The Reliever (al-Munfarijah) is a poem composed by the great Tunisian scholar Yusuf ibn Muhammad at-Tawozari at-Tilimsanī (d. 1119 AD/513 AH). He was known for his mastery of the various Islamic sciences but his erudition and rhetorical abilities became his defining feature to the degree that he was known as ibn an-Nahawi (Son of the […]

Ep 60. Listener Interactions (Part 4): Hijab, Intention, and Tribulations

Is covering the hair for women really obligatory as part of the Hijab? How can one make their intention for the sake of God for everything without making it exhausting to continuously do so? Is working to improve one’s situation a sign of lacking acceptance of God’s tests to us? These questions and others from […]